Magic Dirt

Stop adani

The environment and the preservation of the natural world has always been something Magic Dirt have felt very strongly about. Now more than ever, with the unmistakeable and frightening symptoms of climate change and global warming affecting our everyday lives, the band want to come out with a clear, decisive statement. We’ve had a long relationship with Bob Brown and we want to do something to help his amazing conservation work so we are proud to put on our first club show back in Melbourne as a fundraiser for the @Bob Brown Foundation. We especially want to support his latest campaign, the Stop Adani Convoy, which is shaping up to be Australia’s biggest ever environmental protest against the Adani coal mine. #stopadaniconvoy #stopadani #bobbrownfoundation #magicdirt #uteroot




MAY 13TH & 15th 2018

PORTLAND Band RED FANG played 2 shows in Melbourne.

Feature 3

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